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The Latest COVID-19 Vaccine Info

-- posted: 8 FEBRUARY 2021

Western Tidewater Health District

Virginia VA

Isle of Wight Health Department

Commander Eggleston opened the meeting being held at Mainstreet Restaurant in Smithfield at 1830. In attendance were 24 Post members, their guests and the Auxiliary. All stood and rendered honors to our nation's flag. The opening prayer was given, to include a special blessing for the occasion and the food of which we were about to partake. There was no roll call of officers taken nor any reports given, and the business portion of the meeting was, at     Commander's discretion, not conducted as normal.

Awards of plaques and Certificates of Appreciation on behalf of the Post veterans were presented to the following:

The Commander expressed his gratitude and thanks to all the above, individually, for their support and dedication     to our Post's veterans and our programs/projects engaged in over the course of many years.

Dinner was served for all to enjoy what they ordered by the Mainstreet Restaurant staff, expeditiously and very congenitally in the spirit of the Christmas season. 

A closing prayer was given, thanking God our maker for the many blessings we've enjoyed in a difficult year with the virus restrictions and associated health concerns for all.  Looking forward to a better 2021.

Commander closed our function at 1950.  Next meeting to be 10 February 2021 at the Post home.

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